Wednesday, November 27, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates Nov-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Added MPACT, Venture and OCBC

- Sold OCBC and CDLHT odd lot

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Small gain in OCBC odd lot and small loss in CDLHT odd lot

- Received dividend from CFA and Netlink

- YTD dividend received: $3,540

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -4% (As-of 26-Nov-24)

Watch list:

- MINT, MLT, MPACT, Wilmar

Confirmed not hitting the target dividend of $4k this year.

To increase the expected dividend next year, I have started to add REITs and banks this month.

The REITs boat is coming back so it might be a good opportunity to buy at low price.

I have also sold my odd lot in OCBC and CDLHT, and bought back OCBC at almost the same price.

I did it via FSMOne, it's kinda easy, just need to call them and tell them the total unit you would like to sell for each counter. The broker fee is same as online rate. I will recommend this if you have an odd lot to get rid of.

I am also starting a RSP in CSPX with FSMOne to test water. Will give it a 1-3 years time to run on it own and see what will be the result.

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