- Bought MINT at XD
Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:
- Received dividend from CFA
Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:
- Red @ -3%
Watch list:
- Wilmar, CDG
Placed a wrong bet in MINT, price continue to went down after downgraded by JP Morgan. The price is now below $2.00 at the time of writing.
Many companies has announced their results and dividends this month, SG local banks again giving good set of results and giving special dividends for this round. I see a mixed results for my other counters but still they are giving dividends despite some of them are not performing as expected. With all these dividends that are expect to come, my 1H 2025 dividends will be breaking the $2k mark.
Outside of this portfolio, I have parked my FD money to SSB and they are fully allotted. I plan to further increase my allocation to these fixed income instruments in the future.