Saturday, September 28, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates Sep-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Added OCBC at $14.xx

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from Nanofilm, MINT, MPACT, Venture and MLT

- YTD dividend received: $3,423

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -4%

Watch list:

- CDG, City Dev, OCBC, MPACT, Wilmar

Added OCBC before it raised to $15.xx.

Received dividends from the 3 Mapletree REITs, will consider to add MPACT or MLT during the next XD, in line with my dividend investment strategy.

STI has breakthrough 3,600, my portfolio also recover accordingly.

For now I will hold my cash until the next buying opportunity arise.

Friday, August 30, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates August-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Added Wilmar and MPACT during market crash in the beginning of August-24

- Sold all my SGX

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from NikkoAM REITs ETF, UOB, OCBC, CDG, Wilmar and CDLHT

- YTD dividend received: $3,081

- Sold SGX @ $10.80, making around 16% profit

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -9%

Watch list:

- CDG, City Dev, OCBC, DBS

Managed to grab some Wilmar and MPACT during market crash in the beginning of Aug-24. Market has then quickly recover back to 3,400-sh level. 

Received dividends from various counters, total dividend received has broken $3k mark, making my way to target $4k dividend for this year.

Decided to sell all my SGX and lock in the profit at a near 52-weeks high, managed to make around 16% from the trade.

I will park the fund in my war chest, if SG local banks price went down when US announce the interest rate cut in September, I will deploy them to either OCBC or DBS.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates July-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Nil

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Nil

- YTD dividend received: $1,953

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -7%

Watch list:

- CDG, Wilmar, Nanofilm, City Dev

Not action in July-24.

The local bank rally has improve my portfolio by 4%. I have no plan to do anything but to let it run on it own.

The results for MLT and MINT are out, MLT result a bit disappointing, but it was balance out by MINT. Dividend announced by both REITs are also in line with my expectation.

Meanwhile I am waiting for the results of the remaining counters in my portfolio, most probably I will add in non-index counter like CDG and Nanofilm as I feel I already have enough exposure to the STI index component. Let's see if there will be opportunity to accumulate some non-index counters in Aug-24.

Friday, June 28, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates Jun-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Nil

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from MINT, Netlink and MLT

- YTD dividend received: $1,953

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -11%

Watch list:

- SG local banks

Dividends received for 1H24 is $1,953, which is inline with my target dividend of $4k by end of the year.

Finally got my employment contract extend for another year, so everything is back to normal.

However, with this lesson learnt, I have decided to double my emergency cash reserve. Therefore for 2H24, I will be focusing on this mission and will deploy those cash reserve to fixed deposit or SSB. I hope I can deposit the fund before FD rate cut.

Friday, May 31, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates May-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Nil

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from NikkoAM REIT ETF, UOB, SGX, Wilmar, CDG, Nanofilm, Venture, OCBC and CDL

- YTD dividend received: $1,602

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -10%

Watch list:

- SG local banks

Dividend month, total dividends received YTD is $1,602.

Yet another event that will make a hit to my investment journey, my current employment contract is due next month and I have yet to receive any confirmation on contract renewal. Worst case I will be losing my major source of income next month. I have did some research in the current job market and it doesn't look good. Although the chance is slim but I am still hoping for the good news in last minute. In the worst case if I am not getting the renewal, I am planning to take a short break before I take on to the next assignment.

Let's plan for the worst and hope for the best!

Thursday, May 09, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates Apr-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Nil

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Nil

- YTD dividend received: $289

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -11% (as-of 8-May-24)

Watch list:

- SG local banks

Was away from SG during the last week of Apr and first week of May, and missed this monthly update by a week.

Anyway no action was taken during Apr-24.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I have to put my investment plan on-hold for the next 2 months or so, until things are settled down. I hope this event will not be a major set back to my retirement plan.

I am also expecting to received dividends from various counters this month, the total amount will be around $1.5k. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates Mar-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Sold ST Engineering at near 52 weeks high

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from MIT and MLT

- YTD dividend received: $289

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -11%

Watch list:

- SG local banks

OCBC started to ramp up prior to XD, disturbing my plan to deploy my proceed from selling of ST Engineering to OCBC. I will wait for now until OCBC XD in May-24 or when it drop below $12.50.

Many counters in my portfolio will be XD during end of Apr and beginning of May, however I do not think I have any change to add any this round because I will be out of Singapore during this period.

Probably I will need to wait until Aug-24 for the next round of shopping. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates Feb-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Added MLT during XD

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from CFA, SGX and CDLHT

- YTD dividend received: $65

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -13%

Watch list:

- SG local banks, MIT, MLT

OCBC and OUB results under market expectations, both counters are beaten down. These 2 counters are also my biggest holdings, thus my portfolio overall performance was down this month. Anyway the dividend yield is still attractive to me.

So far there are no red flag from the results of the companies in my portfolio, therefore I do not foresee a major change in my holdings as well as my investment strategy.

With the announced dividends, I expect to receive around $1.5k for 1H2024.