Tuesday, September 25, 2018

SGX Portfolio Update Sep 2018

$ Union Gas - Minimum movement, price is not right to sell, keep

Hyflux - Still suspended and update has been delayed by the management, hopeless

NikkoAM-STC Asia REIT - almost break even, dividend payout on 5-Nov-18

ThaiBev - currently at up trend, not adding any, just keep and observe

EC World Reit - dividend will payout on 28-Sep-18, will add if price is right, however still concerning with the China US trade war

Singtel - Can't even break 3.20, will just keep and observe

SIA - price slightly improved, will keep for now

OCBC - good improvement, looking forward to become positive

UMS - New stock added this month, dividend payout on 26-Oct-18

In watch list - First REIT, Genting Sing, Fraser Logistic, SPH

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