Tuesday, August 03, 2021

China Tech Stocks Crack Down

There are two teams in debate regards to the recent China tech stocks crack down.

Team A is the "keep calm and buy the dip" while Team B is the "run before you are drowned".

Both teams have their points and both make sense.

But again, nobody can predict Mr. Market and it future.

You take the risk now and you may be reward handsomely in the future.

I do not own any China tech stock but I am taking this opportunity to increase my position in Lion-OCBC Sec HST ETF which track the Hang Seng Tech Index. I am still bullish about China tech companies because they are already embedded in our life, I mean look around us, their names are everywhere!

The China government moves may slow down the growth but for middle to long term, I believed they will recover and continue to provide quality services to the customers.

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