Friday, October 01, 2021

SGX Portfolio Update Sep-2021


- Sold 1,000 units CapitaLand

- Bought 100 units UOB

- Bought 200 units CDL

- Bought 400 units MIT

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- 20% profit taking from selling of CapitaLand

- Received dividend from CDG, MIT, CDL and Venture

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -10%

Watch list:

- None

At first I was thinking to wait for CapitaLand to delist and accept the offer, but when it hits $4.10, I decided to sell it off. I have use the proceed to buy some UOB, CDL and MIT. The new entity, CIL, has put up a good show since it listing. That's the beauty of the market, nobody can predict the future.

Another drastic move I have made this month is I have put up my resignation notice without a job lining up. This is mainly due to the job scope offered by the company is not align with my career goal. I also find out that some actions taken by the local management are not align with my value. Instead of continue to waste my time with no learning and development, I have decided to quit. I plan to take a short break to figure out what to do next in my life. Maybe I will take some short courses on finance and contract law to facilitate the mid-career switch that I am currently considering.

Or maybe I will be a full time trader, who knows?

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