- Added Top Glove to average down
- Added SGX due to price touching 52 weeks low
Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:
- Received dividend from NikkoAM STC Asia REIT ETF
Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:
- Red @ -9%
Watch list:
- Nil
I decided to add more Top Glove to average down with the current low price. I understand there are few issues like new taxes and selling pressure from EPF Malaysia, but I still believed the business will be up and running in the foreseeable future.
And after I average down the price went up due to the Omicron.
I also added some SGX to my portfolio. I always have plan to add SGX in my portfolio so I see the current low price as a good opportunity for me to buy some. I will continue to build this counter when the price is right.
I have also applied for Daiwa REITs IPO but not successful.
I have started my new assignment this month, so far the environment is better than the previous company. However, I have to report to office everyday instead of working from home, this means extra expenses for petrol and car maintenance.
I believed I am done with injecting capital to the market for this year, unless Omicron is causing a mega sales in the market.
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