Friday, May 31, 2024

SGX Portfolio Updates May-2024

Buy / Sell Actions:

- Nil

Dividend / Profit Taking / Cut Loss:

- Received dividends from NikkoAM REIT ETF, UOB, SGX, Wilmar, CDG, Nanofilm, Venture, OCBC and CDL

- YTD dividend received: $1,602

Current Portfolio Capital Gain / Loss:

- Red @ -10%

Watch list:

- SG local banks

Dividend month, total dividends received YTD is $1,602.

Yet another event that will make a hit to my investment journey, my current employment contract is due next month and I have yet to receive any confirmation on contract renewal. Worst case I will be losing my major source of income next month. I have did some research in the current job market and it doesn't look good. Although the chance is slim but I am still hoping for the good news in last minute. In the worst case if I am not getting the renewal, I am planning to take a short break before I take on to the next assignment.

Let's plan for the worst and hope for the best!

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